Melbourne Grammar exposed - 150 years on and this elitist school is abusing children through high pressure academic studies, that is causing some to crack up. There is homosexual bullying and it has a cadet force training children to kill. Something needs to change in the elite to move into the next millennium peacefully. Can Grammar do it and indeed does our entire education system need to change? An ex-student and teacher there reveals the inside story.
Auroville's Schools - This experimental community in India has been using different techniques to educate children based on Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga. Just how successful are these techniques?
Experischool - Advertisement for a new form of education based on thousands of years old yogic meditation techniques and postures. Merged with the latest in Western education methods, is this the new way for the planet that will bring east and west together, and finally teach our children how to discipline themselves with love?
Kashmir Travels into India's cold war zone - interviewing a militant Islamic freedom fighter, this is a photojournalist's exploration of this Muslim state caught between Pakistan and the Hindu giant. We discuss solutions and reasons with the General-Secretary of the JKLF. [This article is in draft format ideal for students learning how to structure an interview and techniques to manipulate interviewees for political progress and resolution of international problems.]
Clinton's Landmine An opinion on the demise of America's ex-President focusing on his failure to ban land mines. His use of force and drift to the right, making a comparison to Justinian's reign and the collapse of the Roman Empire. The rise of his wife to Secretary of State from his ashes and her battle with Obama. The opportunities America must now grasp to bring peace to this planet.
My Lai An American atrocity revisited - an historical analysis of the U.S. massacre of a village in the Vietnam War. This edition re-examines why this command failure occurred and sheds new light on who in fact may have been responsible and the lessons America can learn from this in altering its military machine structure to more morally empower its soldiers and the impact on its current foreign policy stance in the Middle East - particularly Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lockhart A detailed legal report - An example of Aboriginal success or failure? - a journey into an Aboriginal community destroying itself through drugs and alcohol, investigating why the Australian government has allowed this to occur.
Environment and Health
Goolengook "The Victorian Government cover-up of its own scientific reports opposing 'old growth forest' logging in East Gippsland." - a journal investigating environmental corruption resulting from the DNRE's justification for logging an unique area of temperate and cool rainforest and the truth that came out through their scientists.
Project Eden - Advertisement for starting a new community based on a rawfood diet to transform the planet based on latest scientific research. If you need to get healthy - the research and the diet is here. The place is being formed for a greener more sustainable future that could radically change our health system and save billions of dollars.
Media The Great Media Debate - Barry Lowe's - "Media Mythologies" reviewed in the context of who decides what we consume - the consumer or the media?
Australian People's Republic An editorial piece on Australia's need for patriotism. Reluctant Republicanism due to betrayal in the referendum, the need for Presidential powers and a new constitution to properly replace the check the Crown provided.
Auroville and the UN A strange little experimental village in India called Auroville may have the potential to become the seat of the United Nations. Neutrality combined with environmental sustainable energy and cultural and social internationalism with a unifying non-sectarian spirituality, seems not just a good way for the planet to go, but the only responsible way given the religious war of terror we are currently in and the climate and energy crisis. But Auroville itself needs to drastically evolve for this to happen.
Whitsunday's PADI course The Dive (photos available) . A true story of a student's dive for his PADI in the reef strewn seas off the Whitsundays.
Religion and Spirituality
Parents, Priests and Cable TV Story of the emotional conflict between an old vicar with his conservative Christian values and a young seeker exploring other religions.
The Diana Myth A surreal and satirical look at the 10th plus anniversary of the Princess of Wales death and how the 'fates' dictated it all according to the myth of the classical goddess.
Enlightenment - East and West both wrong Is enlightenment possible? Or is Christianity the answer? Or has science replaced both? [Discourse with Mr Travers, Agnostic and Mr Kok Tho, 7th Day Adventist]
For information on UOCA which is the Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension. It was founded by James Travers-Murison and is dedicated to ascending the human spirit and ultimately creating an utopia on this planet. This will be done holistically using yoga, meditation and diet. For further information

email tmmag1-1@yahoo.com or go to http://uocah.blogspot.com/
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email tmmag1-1@yahoo.com or if you have valued this magazine and the information has benefited yourself, then you can make a donation to help it continue and improve:
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by emailing J. Travers-Murison first as above.
Efil Ym I The life and times of a Melburnian born in the 60s and brought up in the city's elite private schools. A serialised autobiography. Part One covers arrival from England and the Vietnam War to a return to Scotland in 1984 with a bleak surprise.
The Return of Nothing The esoteric masterpiece in the process of being produced that will have the art critics raving. 'The Return of Nothing', a satire on 'the second coming of Jesus, coming back now and going insane only to be saved by Tibetan monks, rejecting them as corrupted and setting up the new religion combining East and West which leads him back to his home planet KLON, now owned by Apple-IBM-Microsoft: 'The Trinity'.
WWIII As a satirical comic Alternative History Scenerio - this assumes an A bomb goes off in NYC just after the London bombings during the G8 meetings in 2005. What happens is a world catastrophe, as event follows event leading to the apocalypse as prophecised in the book of Revelations in the New Testament. Israel invades Jordan. Howard turns Australia into a fascist state and China invades. Havalife diet herbal takes over the USA and invades Europe from one side and Russia the other...
Gospel Of Gabriel The story of the amazing discovery of a lost 1,950 year old scroll revealing the hidden truth about Jesus and his real father. Blows Christianity apart forever!
The Pilbara Fiasco First in a series of satirical hilarious ‘what ifs’ alternate histories. What if Lang Hancock met Don McLoed during the Japanese air raid of Port Headland? The succession of the Pilbara from Australia at the time of the Aboriginal stockman’s strike in the late 1940s results. Native aboriginal wars, and the development of the iron ore mines lead to a civil war and the Pilbara splits into a BHP east and a Rio Tinto west.In 2003 Howard's government faces a Republican conspiracy to overthrow Australia's democracy using the Pilbara as the means. ASIO agents meet the likes of Trav Tucker on his backpacker holiday around Oz with bizarre unforeseen consequences that will change the face of Australia.
Christ of Klon Ophicius A Templar fantasy - a manuscript leads an investigative journalist through a nuclear conspiracy in Pakistan, a terrorist attack and to the cathedrals and chateaux of France (then the monasteries of Spain). A Sci-Fi fantasy novel historically based on the Templars and the mystical Order of Sion.Dan Brown is left for dead as Baygon takes over in the search for the holy blood and holy grail.
Indonesia 2008 - travels round the archipelego from Bali, Java to Sumatra in search of love.
Malaysia 2008 - travels from Penang, KL to the Camaroon Highlands and an encounter with the Chinese